Can't target trouble zones..think again

My thunder  thighs have always been the dread of my very existence...  

From my thighs rubbing together to the clapping sound they made when I even attempted to jog..I have absolutely detested that area and made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it takes to get some hot stems.  Researching glute/hamstring/quad workouts had almost become a part time job for me...each day logging on my laptop and searching throughout google and pinterest so much so that my head was spinning..all for the love of my legs.  The legs that have carried me so far in my life and yet they looked like they had never carried weight at all.  Back in October 2013 when I first started experimenting with weight lifting I never thought I would ever see progress with the stubby little blocks of legs that I wear daily..but I was so completely wrong.  I remembered reading an article though can't remember where it is to share it with you, that you cannot target "trouble zones". I'm here to tell you that is false.


Whether it be your abdominal area..the dreaded bat wings or your ass and thighs I am here to say you have the power to change it if you put the work in.  I started with the typical workouts adding in squats and lunges but spent more time correcting my form than anything before even Starting to add weights. I used free weights first and then worked my way up to using the SMITH assisted machine that allows you to add weight to the bar but helps you lift it up. I become bored easily with workouts therefore I constantly change that way I never stop.  The minute your workout grows boring chances are that's when you quit..because that was me.  If you do the same things over and over again you will never stay excited and never continue to see the changes you want.


My all time favorite move EVER is the deadlift.. So many many names for it and yet it literally works all the muscle groups I vowed to change.  My personal favorite deadlifts are stiff legged and Romanian..I live and die for these moves. Yes I am a gym junkie and you know what..I'm proud of it.  I still remember  the first time I was taken around the weights area..I still remember freaking out about it and going upstairs to the treadmills instead.


Every week I work my legs 3 days (rotating of course) and every 2 weeks I increase my weights. My deadlift weights hadn't increased in forever due to the bleeding ripped calluses on my gloves can ever help me hold up the barbell any better so therefore I do not wear them. But then magic happened..I changed my grip to a switch grip two weeks ago and have consistently upped my weights in the past 2 weeks.  I can now deadlift 200 lbs and I know I'm capable of lifting way more but I want to make sure my form is perfect so I don't throw out my back.  I start heavy and slowly decrease with each set (pyramid) and then I finish out with high high reps towards the end.


I love single legged deadlifts as well and have just started this using the barbell only (about 45 lbs) But I step up on a box with it and make sure I get as low as possible..even small little changes like this will guarantee results. Since adding in weighted deadlifts,lunges and squats I've gone down 2 pants sizes and shaved off so much cellulite I can't even begin to tell you.  My legs feel rock hard under the loose skin that's left and I'm hoping to get it all off..and if not I will go under the knife. I deserve to look fantastic for all the work I've done on these stems.



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