To GOFUNDME or not... that is the question

Call me controversial if you must but I'm the one with the skin!! I started a gofundme account over the Summer but then chickened out and decided not to share it with my fans on facebook..but after reading the Half My Size issue of People magazine that comes out bi-annually I had to give it a try for real this time. What inspired me? Well after visiting with countless surgeons and being told astronomical prices from 15000 and up... I happened to buy the magazine and read an incredible story. The story was so much like mine its crazy! Big chick loses 200 lbs..just like me.. gets an interview with People magazine (hey I've been trying to get in there for 2 years now) her story was so inspiring.. she too has a facebook fan page much like mine but with way more fans. They all donated for her surgery on a gofundme account and then a surgeon just so happened to be reading People and read her story. He is now doing the surgery Pro Bono and seems like a really nice surgeon. Don't worry I've emailed him! I will continue to email him countless times until I get an answer. One day I will get that surgery!!

I started repping the gofundme account a week ago and so far I'm at 455$.. I still feel its wrong somehow asking others for donations but I know if those same people needed me to..I would do the same. I am blessed beyond words for the fans that I have and I count my blessings each day! 060 079 PhotoGrid_1398380677922 the infamous fat jeans