Fit client of the month!

Because  I'm so proud of each and every one of my clients I've decided to run a feature on a client that has been kicking ass on the monthly. They talk me up all the time so it's really the least I can do to return the favor!  

Meet Emily..


Emily has lost 68 pounds since we first started training and I am super proud of her!!! 272 pounds and miserable was exactly what she said to me during our initial consultation. Chronic knee pain and a severe addiction to Mountain Dew and potato emotional eater very much like myself..I was excited to get started!

Emily has been following my clean eating meal plan and has one cheat meal per week..Emily currently trains with me online 4 days a week for 30 minutes and has two rest days. She literally has not lost an ounce of motivation since we began and her drive makes me jealous! I have yet to see her falter..but something tells me it's because she has a gorgeous wedding dress to fit into!

Emily has noticed a significant change in her sleeping habits as well..massive insomnia concerns and her knee pain only comes around once in a while. She no longer has to take her hypertension medicine and is now addicted to water. Emily is just like you and me but she set goals.. big and small and is not stopping until she meets them..but she has no superpowers..and if Emily and I can do this..anyone can!!! Way to go Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For more transformations and testimonials check under the tab listed (transformations/testimonials)